Scripture Reading - Psalm 119:130

The entrance of thy words giveth light: it giveth understanding unto the simple. KJV - Psalm 119:130

God’s Word brings light (understanding, revelation) to any situation and dark spot you are facing this day. Let us imagine you and some friends are about to walk through a tunnel and it is pitch black you can not see any light at all in the tunnel. One of your friends you are with happens to have a small flashlight, you tell her to get it out to lighten the path. The flashlight will help everyone to see where to walk so we will not stumble around in the dark tunnel. She turns on the flash light and begins to point the light in the direction everyone needs to go in. Well, it is that way in life. Have you been stumbling around in the dark tunnels? Are you faced with circumstances in which you have to make a decision and you are confused and not sure what to do? Perhaps you are trying to solve life’s problems void of God’s Word, void of Jesus. Well, I have good news the entrance of His Word brings (shines) light into any situation and every circumstances, where the Word is welcomed and adhered to. You may say Sister Angie I’ve asked Jesus into my heart, He is living on the inside of me. But I ask you, “Have you made Him Lord, and are you applying His Way, His Word into even the seemingly small dark areas of your life?”. Notice James 1:22 Amp.

But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth].

If you have not given yourself wholly unto Him by holding on to that part of your life where you think you’ve got it all figured out you are probably walking in darkness. The Lord will allow you to continue in darkness, to stumble around, until you take the flash light of His Word which always stays on shining (bring to light) all the dark places in your life. Let us acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and He shall direct (make plain, smooth and straight) our path according to Proverbs 3:6.


This day Lord I welcome the light of Your Word into my day, into all things I may encounter this day. I am a doer of Your Word. Reveal to me any area that needs the spotlight of Your Word. I believe that Your Word will shine brightly in me for all my situations and circumstances. I thank you Father that your word is a part of my everyday life in Jesus Name. Amen!